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California State University, Sacramento

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Department of Civil Engineering

College of Engineering & Computer Science

Support Page Content

Individual and Family Support - 2017

The following individuals or families made donations or sponsored events of the Civil Engineering Department during the 2017 calendar year, such as An Evening With Industry, the Ken Kerri Endowment Fund Luncheon, or one the student scholarship funds. If you would like to make a private, tax-deductible gift to the Department, click here and specify that you want your gift to go to the Department of Civil Engineering. 

Thank you for your support. We hope you will continue to support the Department in the future.

Professor Richard J. Armstrong, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor Cyrus Aryani, Ph.D., P.E., G.E.
Mr. Armon Aryani
Mr. Thomas Banks
Mr. Craig Barth
Ms. Batbayar Yanjinlkham *
Mr. David Beauchamp
Mrs. Angela Billings
Mr. Phillip F. Brozek, P.E. *
Mr. Bill Busath, P.E. *
Mrs. Neysa Bush
Mr. Christian Carleton *
Ms. Angelina Castillo *
Ms. Joyce E. Copelan, P.E. *
Mrs. Eileen A. Crawford, P.E. *
Mr. Brian K. Currier, P.E.
Mr. Steven Davis
Mrs. Mary J. Diebert *
Mr. Robert C. Douglass, P.E. *
Mrs. Delyn Ellison-Lloyd *
Professor Benjamin Fell, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor Jule Fogarty, Ph.D.,
Mr. William G. Forrest, P.E *
Mr. Steven P. Freitas, P.E. *
Mr. Joshua Gallegos
Mr. Kenneth C. Giberson, P.E. *
Mr. Kyle M. Grijalva *
Mr. Paul W. Hadley, P.E.
Ms. Francesca L. Halbakken, P.E. *
Professor Karen Lee Hansen, Ph.D.
Mr. David P. Harden, P.E.
Mrs. Jennifer Harrison
Ms. Robin Belle Hook
Ms. Felicia James, P.E.
Professor John R. Johnston, Ph.D., P.E.
Mrs. Monica Farve Kauppinen
Mr. Stephen Keller
Mrs. Judith Kerri
Wendell and Ann Kido
Ms. Trina Knight *
Mr. Jonathan L. Kors, P.E. *
Ms. Angelica Laguna
Ms. Jennifer Langford
Mr. Tim Lloyd
Ms. Gabriela Lopez
Professor Ramzi J. Mahmood, Ph.D., P.E.
Ms. Kathleen J. Marks, P.E. *
Mr. Derek W. Minnema, P.E. *
Mr. Dale Mogg
Mr. Leobardo Morales, P.E. *
Mr. Michael W. Mulkerin, P.E. *
Mr. Terry Murphy *
Mrs. Jennifer Murphy
Ms. Lethao T. Nguyen
Mr. Michael Nishimura
Mr. Kurt N. Ohlinger, Ph.D., P.E. *
Mr. Douglas Ostheimer
Mr. James M. Pappas, P.E. *
Mr. Walter G. Pettit, P.E. *
Professor Cristina Poindexter, Ph.D., P.E.
Mr. Jim Reinhart
Mrs. Amiee Ring*
Mr. Martin W. Roche, P.E. *
Mr. Walter E. Sadler, P.E.
Ms. Mary E. Serra *
Mr. Prabhakar C. Somavarapu, P.E.
Mr. William J. Staack, P.E.*
Mr. John H. Sun, P.E. *
Mr. Dave Tamayo
Mr. Terry T. Tice, P.E. *
Mr. Thomas Tracy, P.E. *
Mr. Mai T. Le, P.E.
Mr. Kirk Van Rooyan
Mr. Robert W. Wright, P.E. *
Mr. Richard K. Yost II, P.E. *
Mrs. Cortney Zellman Grubbs *

* - Sacramento State Alumni

If you or your family made a donation in the 2017 calendar year but are not listed above, or if you would like your listing modified or removed, please contact Dr. Ben Fell directly at (916) 278-8139 or