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California State University, Sacramento

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Department of Civil Engineering

College of Engineering & Computer Science

Support Page Content

Individual and Family Support - 2015

The following individuals or families made donations or sponsored events of the Civil Engineering Department during the 2015 calendar year, such as An Evening With Industry, the Ken Kerri Endowment Fund Luncheon, or one the student scholarship funds. If you would like to make a private, tax-deductible gift to the Department, click here and specify that you want your gift to go to the Department of Civil Engineering. 

Thank you for your support. We hope you will continue to support the Department in the future.

Mr. David J. Alderete, P.E. *
Mr. Omar Al-Shafie
Professor and Mrs. Troy Armstrong
Professor Cyrus Aryani, Ph.D., P.E., G.E.
Mr. William Au, P.E. *
Mr. Michael A. Barbour, P.E. *
Mr. Julius D. Bautista, P.E. *
Mr. Orin N. Bennett, P.E. *
Mr. Richard M. Bittikofer, P.E. *
Ms. Martha Bleshman
Mr. Scott R. Boettcher, P.E. *
Mr. Edward Boyajian
Mr. Jim Brake
Mr. Phillip F. Brozek, P.E. *
Mr. Bill Busath, P.E. *
Mr. Christian Carleton *
Mr. Lucanus Castagna *
Mr. Kenneth H. Cook, P.E. *
Mr. Daniel L. Cortinovis P.E.
Mr. Timothy M. Crick, P.E. *
Mr. Brian K. Currier, P.E.
Mr. Marvin Delfendahl
Mr. Jose Diaz
Ms. Rosemarie L. Dimacali *
Mr. Larry R. Dotson, P.E. *
Mr. Robert C. Douglass, P.E. *
Ms. Thea Durbin *
Ms. Ranny A. Eckstrom, P.E. *
Mr. Brian Ellis *
Mr. Billy Ray Fakes, Jr., P.E. *
Mr. David J. Flynn, P.E. *
Jack and Virginia Fuller
Mr. Patrick D. Fuss, P.E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Grover
Mr. Melroy Guthmiller
Mr. Maurice Habra
Professor Karen Lee Hansen, Ph.D.
Mr. Leonard W. Hom, P.E.
Mr. Ralph B. Hwang, P.E.
Mr. Melvin H. Johnson, P.E. *
Mrs. Anna M. Johnson, P.E. *
Professor John R. Johnston, Ph.D., P.E.
Mrs. Monica Farve Kauppinen
Mr. Stephen Keller
Mr. Emery L. Kelly *
Ms. Maureen Kerner
Professor Ghazan Khan, Ph.D.
Mr. Wendell H. Kido, P.E.
Ms. Trina Knight *
Mr. Henry Krizl, Jr.
Ms. Debi Lewis
Mr. Joshua Lewis *
Mr. Robert Lokteff, P.E. *
Ms. Irina Lukicheva
Ms. Laurie MacIntosh *
Professor Ramzi J. Mahmood, Ph.D., P.E.
Mr. Keith Mays
Mr. Joel W. McDaniel, P.E. *
Tom and Sandra Melavic
Mr. Drew Mihocko
Mr. Samuel P. Miller, P.E. *
Mr. Bill Lee Montgomery
Mr. Robert L. Mott
Mr. Terry Murphy *
Mr. Logan Murphy
Mr. Kevin Murphy
Mr. Michael J. Nacey, P.E. *
Ms. Susan Nader
Professor William R. Neuman, P.E. *
Mr. Art O'Brien
Mr. Karl Ono*
Mr. Marco J. Palilla, P.E. *
Mr. James M. Pappas, P.E.*
Mr. Walter G. Pettit, P.E. *
Mr. George H. Preston, P.E. *
Mr. Reuben Robles *
Mr. Martin W. Roche, P.E. *
Mr. William Sanders *
Ms. Shukurat O. Sanni *
Ms. Linda S. Scroggs, P.E. *
Ms. Mary E. Serra *
Mr. Roger Lee Shackelford, P.E.
Mr. Gerald R. Shaul, Jr., P.E. *
Mr. Daniel R. Sherry, P.E.
Ms. Marsha Slaughter
Mr. Prabhakar C. Somavarapu, P.E.
Mr. William J. Staack, P.E. *
Mr. Clark E. Stanage, P.E. *
Mr. Tim L. Sullivan, P.E. *
Mr. John H. Sun, P.E. *
Mr. Warren J. Tellefson, P.E. *
Mr. Ryan Teves *
Mr. Terry T. Tice, P.E. *
Chris Tomine, Ph.D.
Mr. Eric D. Torguson, P.E. *
Mr. Thomas Tracy, P.E. *
Mr. Mai T. Le, P.E.
Mr. Stanley Masami Umeda
Mrs. Linsdey Van Parys*
Mr. Jared A. Whalen, P.E.
Mr. Richard K. Yost II, P.E. *
Mr. Jeremy J. Zorne, P.E. *

* - Sacramento State Alumni

If you or your family made a donation in the 2015 calendar year but are not listed above, or if you would like your listing modified or removed, please contact Dr. Ben Fell directly at (916) 278-8139 or