Delivery Bot
Team: Bhatti, Gill, Nijjar, and Singh
There is a need of innovative techniques to help nursing home staff to decrease the contact of nurses and residents to help contains the virus better. In order to address this issue our robot will deliver medical supplies, food etc. to affected patients autonomously.

Project Athena
Team: Bolles, Garcia, Gonzalez, and Rodriguez Jr
Our robotic system will assist firefighters in their recovery efforts through the use of object recognition. Our team has been working on developing a quadrupedal robotic systems that has the ability to traverse different terrains.

FSOC Nation (Free Space Optical Communication)
Team: Amaya, Bonilla Vera, Jaswal, and Villaneuva
FSOC is a cost-effective ultra-wideband communication device capable of establishing a secure ethernet broadband connection using light as the transmission medium.

Cardiovascular Health Device
Team: Anderson, Jaishi Mishri, Nguyen, Smith, Steinlein
Heart Disease and other cardiovascular diseases kill hundreds of thousands of people every year and can be nearly impossible to detect. Having an easy to wear, portable, and long-term device to monitor cardiac health can potentially save lives.

A.B.S - Autonomous Book Solution
Team: Alauldinn, Malhi, Shah, and Silva Avina
Our machine and interactive website will allow users to find and check-out books, all while maintaining social distancing and avoiding face-to-face interaction.

W.A.S.P Wireless & Autonomous Surveillance for Pandemic
Team: Cornell, Filimon, Le, and Maxwell
Our project uses a custom-made artificial intelligence to detect whether people are wearing a mask properly when entering a monitored space. It will make use of a wirelessly controlled camera to be able to do its detection.

Loneliness Avengers
Team: Lugo, Rodriguez, Tapia, and Thorpe
QB was created to address the lack of social or emotional support caused by quarantine and social distancing for those prone to suffer from stress or similar mental health issues.

Population Tracking for Covid
Team: Biggers, Dye, Patten, Trotsyuk
Reduce the spread of Covid by monitoring symptoms and human movement patterns through a device with various sensors.

R.F.C.T.S - Radio Frequency Contact Tracing System
Team: Allen, Moncrief, Saavedra, Sharp
To aid with contact tracing among medical staff and patients in a close proximity environment through wearable sensors and a central receiving unit that communicate through radio frequency waves.

Project Litter Bot Lab Prototype
Team: Navarrete Jr, Babiy, Lee, Robinson
We are designing an autonomous scouring bot as a remedy to mitigate the man-made litter pollution and reduce its impacts on the environment.

Robofuel - Automatic Gas Pump
Team: Abdel-Gwad, Gomez, Hellem, Moore
In light of a global pandemic, affecting more than 20 million people and lasting longer than 6 months, there is an ever growing need to solve how traditional gas pumps are operated today.

Woodland Watcher
Team: Kaur, Nevis Jr, Nguyen, Reed
Despite efforts made by CAL Fire, Wildfires have been increasing in frequency, intensity, and seasonal duration. The goal behind the Woodland Watcher is to provide forested areas with constant observation by monitoring smoke and temperature at each "Post."

Fire Blockers
Team: Baker, Shtevnina, Yamaletdinov, Zaverukha
Our robot is designed to autonomously navigate around a property while spraying fire suppressing material in the surrounding area to help U.S. Residents who live in WUI and delay mandate evacuations when wildfires occur.