compiled by Scott Gordon
October 1996 release.
    President:  A.R. Chapman
    Sacramento City Championship:   Robert Carmany
    Chess Club founded as the "CSEA Chess Club" by A.R."Dick" Chapman.
    president:  A.R. Chapman
    Sacramento City Championship:   R. W. Wise

    Top 10:   1. R.W. Wise    737
              2. Carmany      722
              3. Schirm       675
              4. Chapman      608
              5. Trousdale    579
              6. Cody         555
              7. Gillies      544
              8. Austin       509
              9. Sharp        492
             10. Carlisle     469

     Team Matches:    Sacramento 4 - Stockton 1
     New publication (quarterly) "Capitol City Chess Club Bulletin".
     Club changes it's name to Capitol City Chess Club.
    president:  A.R. Chapman
    Sacramento City Championship:   Chas. Cody

    Top 10:   1. R.W.Wise      694
              2. Applegate     681
              3. Chapman       628
              4. Cody          584
              5. Neil Austin   535
              6. D.J.Yuke      516
              7. Gillies       510
              8. Cartier       507
              9. Carlisle      480
             10. Trousdale     477

     Team matches:    Sacramento 3   - Modesto 4
                      Sacramento 5   - Stockton 2
                      Sacramento 1.5 - Pittsburg 5.5
                      Sacramento 3.5 - Modesto 3.5
                      Sacramento 2   - Pittsburg 3
                      Sacramento 7.5 - Stockton 1.5
          Sacramento places 3rd out of 4 in the Central Calif Chess League.

     Simul:   Wallace Smith (7W,4D,2L)
    president:  Neil Austin
    Sacramento City Championship:   Robert Carmany
    "Capitol City Chess Club Bulletin" folds.
    president: Dwight Minor
    Sacramento City Championship:   A. R. Chapman
    president:  D.J.Yuke
    Sacramento City Championship:   Milton Meyer
    president:  H.E.Skinner
    Sacramento City Championship:   Milton Meyer
    new pubication (yearly)  "Tournament book"
    president:  R.W.Wise
    Sacramento City Championship:   Sanford W. Applegate

    *Top 10:  1. Applegate
              2. J.B.Gee
              3. A.R. Chapman
              4. Milton Meyer
              5. Stephen Kozen
              6. R.W.Wise
              7. Robert Carmany
              8. Pearson
              9. Neil Austin
             10. William Trousdale

     Team Matches:    Sacramento 2   - Oakland 7
                      Sacramento 4.5 - Folsom Prison 3.5
                      Sacramento 4   - Waterman 0
                      Sacramento 6   - Fresno 0

     Simuls:  Herman Steiner (8W,0L,0D)
              George Koltanowski (blindfolded) (8W,0L,2D)
              I.A.Horowitz (10W,0L,0D)
     president:  J.B.Gee
     Sacramento City Championship:  Milton Meyer

     *Top 10: 1. S.W.Applegate
              2. Milton Meyer
              3. J.B.Gee
              4. Richard Chapman
              5. Robert Carmany
              6. Neil Austin
              7. William Trousdale
              8. Hubert
              9. Young
             10. Kerfoot

      Team matches:    Sacramento 5   - Vallejo/Sonoma 3
                       Sacramento 14  - Represa 7
                       Sacramento 11  - Represa 9
                       Sacramento 4.5 - Vallejo 2.5
      president:  John Cortell
      Sacramento City Championship:  Milton Meyer

      *Top 10: 1. Milton Meyer
               2. J.B.Gee
               3. S.W.Applegate
               4. Hubert
               5. Stephen Kozen
               6. Henry Thornton
               7. Worden
               8. Neil Austin
               9. Young
              10. Wise

       Team matches:   Sacramento 2.5 - Vallejo 4.5
                       Sacramento 9   - Represa 5
      president:  Victor Burns
      Sacramento City Championship:  J.B. Gee

      *Top 10:  1. Milton Meyer
                2. S.W.Applegate
                3. J.B.Gee
                4. Carl Diesen
                5. H. Thornton
                6. Ed Westbrook
                7. Art Cartier
                8. Bill Manford
                9. Dave Morris
               10. George Carter

       Team matches:   Sacramento 14  - Represa 8
       president:  George Carter
       Sacramento City Championship:  J.B.Gee, Milton Meyer
       (it is assumed that the war reduced city chess club activity)
       president:  S.W.Applegate
       Sacramento City Championship:   S.S.Kozen

       *Top 10: 1. Milton Meyer
                2. J.B.Gee
                3. Carl Diesen
                4. S.W.Applegate
                5. Neil Austin
                6. Ed Westbrook
                7. S.S.Kozen
                8. F.B.Jackson
                9. Chapman
               10. Cortell

        Team matches:    Sacramento 2.5 - Vallejo/Petaluma 7.5
                         Sacramento 2.5 - Vallejo 7.5
                         Sacramento 2   - Vallejo 4
                         Sacramento 4.5 - Modesto .5
                         Sacramento 2.5 - Fresno 2.5
                         Sacramento 10  - Salinas 2
                         Sacramento 4   - Salinas 1
                         Sacramento 4   - Modesto 2
                         Sacramento 7.5 - Modesto 2.5
       president:  Milton Meyer
       Sacramento City Championship:   Milton Meyer
       Club meets at YMCA.

       *Top 10: 1. Milton Meyer
                2. J.B.Gee
                3. S.W.Applegate
                4. F.B.Jackson
                5. S.S.Kozen
                6. Neil Austin
                7. Dr. D. J. Yuke
                8. Chapman
                9. J.T.Marianos
               10. M.O.Johnson

        Speed Chess Championship:  Neil Austin

        Team matches:    Sacramento 5   - San Jose 1
                         Sacramento 4.5 - Russians of S.F. 3.5
                         Sacramento 5.5 - San Francisco 12.5

        J.B.Gee's column ("Chess") appears in Sacramento Bee.
        president:  C.J.Carey
        Sacramento City Championship:  J.B.Gee

        *Top 10: 1. J.B.Gee
                 2. Milton Meyer
                 3. F.B.Jackson
                 4. Chapman
                 5. Neil Austin
                 6. S.W.Applegate
                 7. C.A. Iverson
                 8. D.J. Yuk
                 9. J.T.Marianos
                10. C.J.Carey

         Team matches:    Sacramento 6.5 - Fresno 2.5
                          Sacramento 4   - Modesto 4
                          Sacramento 6   - Stockton 0
                          Sacramento 5   - Mechanics Institute 15
        president:  J.B.Gee
        Sacramento City Championship:  J.B.Gee

        *Top 10: 1. J.B.Gee
                 2. Milton Meyer
                 3. F.B.Jackson
                 4. D.J.Yuke
                 5. Neil Austin
                 6. S.W.Applegate
                 7. C.J.Carey
                 8. Chapman
                 9. S.Johnson
                10. J.T.Marianos

        Team matches:    Sacramento 5   - Fresno 3
                         Sacramento 8   - Stockton 2
                         Sacramento 3   - Modesto 5
                         Sacramento 2.5 - Castle 8.5
        president:  J.T.Marianos
        Sacramento City Championship:  J.B.Gee

        Top 10:  1. J.B.Gee
                 2. George Flynn
                 3. Milton Meyer
                 4. S.Johnson
                 5. J.T. Marianos
                 6. S. Spaulding
                 7. William Trousdale
                 8. S.W.Applegate
                 9. Iverson
                10. Talcott

         Northern California Chess Ratings list:

                 J.B.Gee (Candidate Master)
                 Milt Meyer (Candidate Master)
                 Neil Austin (Expert)
                 George Flynn (Expert)
                 Stephen Sosnick (Expert)

         Team matches:     Sacramento 4   - Oakdale 4
                           Sacramento 3.5 - San Jose 4.5
         Sacramento places 3rd out of 6 in the Central Calif Chess League

         new publication (monthly) "Sacramento Chess News".
         "Tournament Book" folds.
         Official "Challenge Board" formed.  Top-10 (above) is official.
    president:  George Flynn
    Sacramento City Championship:  R.E.Russell

    Top 10:   1. R.E. Russell
              2. J.B. Gee
              3. Neil Austin
              4. Milton Meyer
              5. George Flynn
              6. Richards
              7. S. Johnson
              8. R. Stagg
              9. S.S.Kozen
             10. William Allen

    Sacramento Speed Chess Championship:  Ralph Stagg
    Official Northern Calif. Rating list shows:
                J.B.Gee (master)
                Milton Meyer (expert)
                Neil Austin (expert)
                S.S.Kozen (expert)

     team maches:   Sacramento 3   - San Jose 7
                    Sacramento 4   - Fresno 4
      president:  S. Johnson
      Sacramento City Championship:   Milton Meyer

      *Top 10:   1. Milt Meyer
                 2. R.L.Richards
                 3. J.B.Gee
                 4. O.Celle
                 5. J.Celle
                 6. Russell
                 7. Samuel G. Johnson
                 8. Janushkowski
                 9. Neil Austin
                10. George Flynn

      Team matches:   Sacramento 9.5 - Oakdale .5
                      Sacramento 9   - Stockton 1
                      Sacramento 7   - Modesto 2
                      Sacramento 7   - Vallejo 3
                      Sacramento 3   - Fresno 3
                      Sacramento 7.5 - Stockton 3.5
           Sacramento places 2nd (out of 7) in Central Calif chess League

       Simul:  Svetozar Gligoric (22W,0L,2D)  (Milt Meyer, Guthrie McCLain)
       Neil Austin 2.5 - George Flynn .5  (match)
       president:  M. Evanson
       Sacramento City Championship:   R.E. Russell
       Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   Milton Meyer

       *Top 10:   1. R.E.Russell
                  2. Milton Meyer
                  3. J.B.Gee
                  4. Janushkowski
                  5. Neil Austin
                  6. George Flynn
                  7. Jekabs Celle
                  8. Samuel .G.Johnson
                  9. O. Celle
                 10. Ostap Bender 

        team matches:   Sacramento 5.5 - Visalia .5
                        Sacramento 6.5 - Pittsburg 3.5
                        Sacramento 5.5 - Modesto 3.5
                        Sacramento 6.5 - Oakdale 1.5
                        Sacramento 8.5 - San Jose 4.5
          Sacramento places 1st out of 6 in Central Calif Chess League

        simul:  Imre Konig
        president:  Neil Austin
        Sacramento City Championship:   O.A. Celle
        Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   A. Janushkowski

        Top 10:  1. Janushkowsky  581
                 2. J.B.Gee       544
                 3. Ostap Bender  543
                 4. F.B.Jackson   537
                 5. Milt Meyer    530
                    Neil Austin   530
                 7. Clauson       526
                 8. Scheuerman    512
                 9. Johnson       497
                10. Kieth         496

        team matches:   Sacramento 8.5  - Modesto 1.5
                        Sacramento 5    - Stockton 4
                        Sacramento 9    - Oakdale 3
                        Sacramento 7    - Fresno 5
           Sacramento places 2nd out of 7 in the Central Calif Chess League

        "Perpetual Rating System" introduced.  Top 10 (above) is official.
         president:  Neil Austin (?)
         Sacramento City Championship:   O.Celle
         Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   O.Celle

         *Top 10:  1. O.A.Celle
                   2. Milton Meyer
                   3. William Rogers
                   4. J.B.Gee
                   5. Ed Edmondson
                   6. A.Janushkowski
                   7. Mansur Saca
                   8. J. Scheuerman
                   9. Neil Austin
                  10. H. Keith

         team matches:    Sacramento 4.5 - Fresno 3.5
                          Sacramento 6   - Stockton 2
                          Sacramento 6   - Oakdale 2
                          Sacramento 1.5 - San Jose 6.5
                          Sacramento 5   - Pittsburg 3
            Sacramento places 2nd out of 7 in the Central Calif Chess League
          president:  Neil Austin (?)
          Sacramento City Championship:  Ed Edmondson
          Capitol City Chess Club Championship:  A.Janushkowsky

          Top 10:   1. Scheuerman     595
                    2. Janushkowsky   593
                    3. Edmondson      573
                    4. Haines         566
                    5. Ostap Bender   562
                    6. Mansur Saca    534
                    7. Richards       528
                    8. Neil Austin    526
                    9. Bishop         481
                   10. William Rebold 472

          team matches:   Sacramento 5.5 - Modesto 2.5
                          Sacramento 7.5 - Stockton .5

          new publication:  CCCL Newsletter (Central Calif Chess League).
          "Sacramento Chess News" folds.
          president:  J. Scheuerman
          Sacramento City Championship:   Ed Edmondson
          Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   A. Janushkowsky.
          Sacramento City Speed Chess Championship:  Endre Toth

          Top 5:  1. J. Scheuerman   588
                  2. Ed Edmondson    586
                  3. William Haines  584
                  4. Janushkowsky    579
                  5. Ostap Bender    563

          team matches:   Sacramento 7   - Modesto 1
                          Sacramento 3   - San Jose 5
                          Sacramento 5   - Fresno 3
                          Sacramento 8   - Oakdale 0
                          Sacramento 4.5 - Stockton 3.5
                          Sacramento 5   - Pittsburg 3
                          Sacramento 5   - San Jose 8
             Sacramento places 2nd out of 7 in the Central Calif Chess League
          location moves from TurnVerein to Clunie.
          Game Robert Fischer - Richard Fauber appeared later in
                                             "The Games of Robert Fischer"
          Simul:  William Haines (13W,11L,3D)
          president:  Ed Edmondson
          Sacramento City Championship:  William Rogers, Ed Edmondson
          Capitol City Chess Club Championship:  A. Janushkowsky
          Sacramento City Women's Champion:  Ida St. John Oye
          Sacramento City Speed Championship:  Endre Toth
          Sacramento Junior Championship:  Rendow Yee

          *Top 10:   1. Janushkowsky
                     2. Haines
                     3. Edmondson
                     4. Saca
                     5. Bender
                     6. J. Celle
                     7. William Rebold
                     8. Neil Austin
                     9. E. Toth
                    10. A. Bishop

          team matches:   Sacramento 5   - Modesto 1
                          Sacramento 5.5 - Stockton .5
                          Sacramento 7   - Fresno 1
                          Sacramento 3.5 - Pittsburg 3.5
                          Sacramento 7   - Oakdale 2
                          Sacramento 5   - San Jose 3
                          Sacramento 7.5 - Reno .5     (students)
                          McClellan  9   - Mather 3
             Sacramento places 1st out of 7 in the Central Calif Chess League

          simul:  Imre Konig (20W,2L,5D)
                  Imre Konig (25W,1L,4D)

          An active team league included Bridge Dept, Air Force, and
                                        the Division of Architecture.
          Sacramento Bee published weekly local chess news.
    president:  Ed Edmondson
    Sacramento City Championship:   O.Celle
    Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   William Haines
    Sacramento Speed Championship:  Anthony Survila

    *Top 10:  1. A. Janushkowsky
              2. Mansur K. Saca
              3. O. Celle
              4. William Haines
              5. Ostap Bender
              6. Neil Austin
              7. William Rebold
              8. Joe Morton
              9. Ed Edmonson
             10. W. Rogers

     Team matches:   Sacramento 5.5 - San Jose 1.5
                     Sacramento 3.5 - Pittsburg 3.5
                     Sacramento 6   - Modesto 0
                     Sacramento 5   - Stockton 1
         Sacramento places 1st out of 8 in the Central Calif Chess League.
     president:  William Rebold
     Sacramento City Championship:   O.Celle
     Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   O.Celle and William Rogers

     *Top 7:   1. A.Janushkowsky
               2. O.Celle
               3. W.Rebold
               4. J.Morton
               5. G.Flynn
               6. A.Trent
               7. W.Rogers

     Team matches:   Sacramento 6 - Oakdale 0
        Sacramento places 1st out of 7 in Central Calif Chess League.

     Val Zemetis (Davis) publishes "The Unknown Tal".
     president:  W. Sprague
     Sacramento City Championship:   W.Rogers
     Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   O.Celle
     president:  W. Rogers
     Sacramento City Championship:   W.Haines
     Sacramento City Championship:   W.Haines
     Sacramento City Championship:   W. Harris
     Team Matches:    Sacramento 4 - Davis 3
     Simul:  Robert Fischer
     Game Fischer-O.Celle appeared later in Fischer's "My 60 Memorable Games"
     president:  W. Curdy
     Sacramento City Championship:   Serge Von Oettingen
     Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   O.Bender and S.V.Oettingen

     Team Matches:      Sacramento 2   - San Jose 5
                        Sacramento 5   - Davis 2
                        Sacramento 5.5 - Ione .5
                        Sacramento 6   - Oakdale 0
                        Sacramento 6   - Stockton 0
                        Sacramento 3.5 - Capitol 2.5
                        Sacramento 4.5 - Modesto .5
         Sacramento places 2nd out of 8 in Central Calif Chess League.
     president:  John Hudson
     Sacramento City Championship:   W. Harris
     Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   D. Litowsky
     president:  Ostap Bender
     Sacramento City Championship:   Joe Morton, Sr.
     Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   John Hudson (rating 2303)
     president:  Ostap Bender
     Sacramento City Championship:   O. Celle
     Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   R. Hanson
     president:  Anthony DiMilo
     Sacramento City Championship:   R. Hamilton
     Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   A. Janushkowsky
    president: William Rebold
    Sacramento City Championship:   Ostap Bender
    Capitol City Chess Club Championship:   Serge Von Oettingen
    team tournament:   Barry's Trojans (Tom Dorsch, Barry Nelson,
                                        David Oppedahl, Rick Eberly)
    High School championsip:   Barry Nelson
    president: William Rebold
    Sacramento City Championship:    Tom Dorsch
    Capitol City Chess Club Champion:  Ostap Bender
    team tournament:   Haskell's team (Bob Haskell, Dan Eberts,
                                       Joe Morton, Ziad Baroudi)
    Speed championship:   Tom Dorsch
    Davis Championship:   Serge VonOettingen
    Central Valley Open:   Ziad Baroudi,Marcos Costa,Karl Simon,Phil Smith
    High School Championship:  Stewart Katz
    Simuls: George Koltanowski (98W,3D) (Mel Rice, Jim Jirousek, James Ferrier)
            Svetozar Gligoric (21W,1L,4D - Sacramento)
                              (11W,0L,2D - Davis)
    Match:  Davis 16.5 - Sacramento 10.5

    Top 10:    1. Richard Fauber    2272
               2. Don Napoli        2226
               3. Ziad Baroudi      2198
               4. Tom Dorsch        2119
               5. S.V.Oettingen     2102
               6. Gary Pickler      2098
               7. David Levy        2081
               8. Steve Sosnick     1971
               9. William Alexander 1963
              10. Ostap Bender      1941
    president:  Steve Markman
    Sacramento Open:   Tom Dorsch, Ziad Baroudi, David Oppedal
    Davis Championship:   Tom Dorsch
    Davis Invitational Speed Championship:   Tom Dorsch
    Rancho Cordova Championship:   Erwin Hamm
    CSUS Open:   Dave Oppedahl, Dan Pearce
    Northern Calif Open:   Phil Smith
    Mather AFB Championship:   Walter Bornack
    San Juan Chess League:  Rio Americano (HS)
                            Peter Lassen (JHS)
    Simul:  James Tarjan

    Top 10:   1. Richard Fauber     2272
              2. Don Napoli         2230
              3. Ziad Baroudi       2186
              4. Val Zemetis        2156
              5. Tom Dorsch         2109
              6. Bruce Antman       2107
              7. Gary Pickler       2098
              8. David Levy         2075
              9. S.V.Oettingen      2051
             10. Garland Brinkley   2029

     Most Improved:  William Valine (+359)
     New Publication:  SMACO (Sacramento Metropolitan Area Chess Observer)
       (quarterly), put out by Steve Markman and Mike Ghormley
     president:  Steve Markman (?)  Robert Haskell (?)
     Sacramento City Championship:   Steve Markman
     Rancho Cordova Open:   Tom Dorsch
                            (local = Mark Buckley)
     Team Championship:  Hatano's team (Ostap Bender, Tony Dimilo,
                                        Daryl Hatano, Ed and Ricardo Salazar)
     Davis Speed Championship:  Steve Markman
     Senior Championship:  Lawrence Taro
     Simul:  Walter Browne (35W,1L,1D) (Dan Brown [W], Robert Gordon [D])
     SMACO changes it's name to "Chess Observer", Markman takes over.
     president:  Tony DiMilo
     (four active clubs:  Sacramento, Davis, Rancho Cordova, CSUS)
     Sacramento Open:  Hugh Noland
     Sacramento City Championship: Hugh Noland
     Team Championships:  Katz' Kamakazies
     Richard Fauber's Sacramento Bee chess column cancelled.
     Rancho Cordova Chess Club sold fireworks.
     president:  Tony DiMilo
     Sacramento Open:  Mark Buckley
     Sacramento Valley Open: Mark Buckley
     Sacramento City Championship:   Tom Dorsch, Jay Whitehead
                                     (local = Mark Buckley)
     Team Championships:  DiMilo's team (Ostap Bender, Tony DiMilo,
                                         Scott Gordon, James Dennis)
     Top 10:   1. Don Napoli       2221
               2. Richard Fauber   2151
               3. Hugh Noland      2115
               4. Tom Dorsch       2094
               5. Mark Buckley     2086
               6. Steve Sosnick    2055
               7. S.V.Oettingen    2028
               8. Steve Markman    1944
               9. Colin Rammelcamp 1934
              10. Dan Pearce       1899

      High School:  Sacramento High School
                    Individual: Scott Gordon

      Sacramento Bee chess column reinstated due to popular demand.
      President:  Mike Ghormley
      Rancho Cordova Chess Club president:  Art Guess
      Sacramento City Championship:  Mark Buckley, Mike Ghormley
      Sacramento Valley Open:   Charles Nevins, Tony DiMilo, Mark Buckley,
                                  Barry Nelson, and Tim Stevens
      Sacramento Open:   Craig Mar
                         (best Sac score: Mark Buckley, Mike Ghormley,
                                  Tom Dorsch, Don Gunther, and Don Mack)
      Sacramento Club Championship:   Dan Pearce
      Rancho Cordova Club Championship:  Mike Ghormley
      CSUS Championship:   Mark Buckley
      Team Tournament:  Katz' Kamakazies

      Matches:   CSUS 16  - UCDavis 8
                 CSUS 3.5 - UCBerkeley 4.5

      Simul:  Oscar Panno (44W,0L,3D) (Tom Dorsch, Glen Sarvis,
                                       Elizabeth Traina)
      Chess Observer folds.
      president:  Mike Ghormley
      Camelia Open:   Mark Buckley, James MacFarland
      CSUS Championship:  Mark Buckley
      Rancho Cordova Chess Club Championship:  Scott Gordon
      Team tournament:  Katz' Kamakazies

      Top  10:    1. Matthew Beelby    2180
                  2. Mark Buckley      2174
                  3. Richard Fauber    2084
                  4. James MacFarland  2083
                  5. Barry Nelson      1939
                  6. Dan Pearce        1914
                  7. Mark Holgerson    1797
                  8. Tom Wostenberg    1744
                  9. Doug Anderson     1734
                 10. Clarence Lehman   1730

      president:  Ramona Wilson
      Sacramento Championship:   Mark Buckley, James MacFarland,
                                   Tom Sweeny, Craig Mar
      Sacramento Open:   Mark Buckley, James MacFarland, Barry Nelson,
                            Harry Radke
      Capitol City Open:   Matthew Beelby, Ton Dorsch, David Abramson
      Team Tournament:  Katz' Kamakazies
      Matches:   Beelby 3 - Buckley 3
      Simuls:    Larry Christiansen (blindfold) (10W,0L,0D)
                 Peter Biyiasis

      Top 10:   1. Mark Buckley     2217
                2. Tom Sweeny       2194
                3. James MacFarland 2154
                4. Richard Fauber   2088
                5. Arthur Braden    2083
                6. Hugh Noland      2014
                7. Barry Nelson     1986
                8. Dave Opedahl     1939
                9. Dan Pearce       1896
               10. Zoran Lazetich   1892
      president:  Robert Gordon
      Sacramento City Championship:   James MacFarland
      Capitol Open:   James MacFarland
      Team tournament:  "the Utopians" (James MacFarland, Art Braden,
                                Zoran Lazetich, Erwin Hamm, Tom Walker)
      High School:   Sacramento High

      Top 10:   1. James MacFarland   2319
                2. Mark Buckley       2292
                3. Richard Fauber     2165
                4. Tom Sweeny         2157
                5. Arthur Braden      2111
                6. Barry Nelson       2043
                7. Hugh Noland        2040
                8. Charles Brunton    2000
                9. Doug Anderson      1991
               10. Zoran Lazetich     1918

      Simul:  Mark Buckley (40?W,1L,1D)
        president:  Phil Degan
        Sacramento Championship:   Jeremy Silman, Tom Dorsch
          (city title:  James MacFarland)
        Sacramento Open:   Mark Buckley, Eugene Lubarsky, Robert Raingruber
        Capitol Open:    Mark Buckley, James MacFarland, Tom Dorsch,
                           Steve Levine, and Karl Yee
        Team Tournament:  "Defending Champions" (James MacFarland, Art Braden,
                                           Mike Ghormley, Charles Lockridge)
        High School:  Sacramento High
        Match:   Mark Buckley 3 - James MacFarland 3
                 CSUS 11.5 - Hiram Johnson .5
        New area club:  Games People Play
        New publication (bimonthly):  "Sacramento Chess Inquirer"
        president:  Robert Gordon (?)  Mike Parmon (?)
        Sacramento City Championship:   Tom Dorsch
        Sacramento Open:   Elliott Winslow, Zoran Lazetich, Scott Gordon
        Davis Championship:   Karl Yee, Steve Levine
        Davis Open:   James MacFarland, Mark Buckley, Romulo Fuentes
        High School:  Sacramento High School
        Simul:   Yasser Sierewan  (13W,0L,0D)
        Sacramento Chess Inquirer folds.
        president:  Robert Gordon (?)  Doug Young (?)  Dave Mehler (?)
        Capitol Open:   Zoran Lazetich
        Davis Open:   James Manning
        High School:  Rio Linda
                     (individual: Bruce Radaikan)
        president:  Doug Young
        Sacramento Championship:   James MacFarland
        Sacramento Open:   Quezon Mangawang
        Sacramento Valley Invitational Championship:   Mark Buckley
        Capitol Open:    John Barnard, John Carr, Mike Fitzgerald
        High School:  Sacramento High School and Hiram Johnson
                     (individual:  Bruce Radaikan)
        "The Great Chess Movie" shown at Tower Theater; Sacramento Chess
            Club set up a table to promote the club.
        president:  Doug Young
        High School:  Sacramento High School
                    (individual: Dave Yomogida)

        Top 10:    1. Mark Buckley        2341
                   2. James MacFarland    2322
                   3. Tim Pointon         2170
                   4. Michael Aaron       2124
                   5. Tom Reikko          2087
                   6. Jim Nicks           2085
                   7. Marc Braverman      2060
                   8. Scott Gordon        2058
                   9. Vladimir Shkolnikov 2048
                  10. Dan Pearce          2020
        president: Scott Gordon

        Top 10:    1. Arthur Braden    2368
                   2. Mark Buckley     2300
                   3. James MacFarland 2287
                   4. Tim Pointon      2170
                   5. Tom Reikko       2148
                   6. Michael Aaron    2124
                   7. Scott Gordon     2115
                   8. Hiawatha Bradley 2105
                   9. Jim Nicks        2085
                  10. Ken King         2078

        High School:  Sacramento High School
                    (individual: Richard Meamber)
        president:  Scott Gordon
        High School:  San Juan High School
                    (individual: Richard Meamber)

        Top 10:    1. Mark Buckley     2406
                   2. James MacFarland 2312
                   3. Arthur Braden    2300
                   4. Zoran Lazetich   2243
                   5. Steven Smithers  2225
                   6. Tom Reikko       2194
                   7. Ken King         2159
                   8. Marc Braverman   2145
                   9. Michael Aaron    2128
                  10. Scott Gordon     2122

        Most Improved:  Chuck Seidel (+230)
        Chess Life May issue: Scott Gordon was Game of the Month in
                                "The Check is in the Mail"
        Mark Buckley publishes "Practical Chess Analysis" (Thinkers Press).
        president:   Scott Gordon
        Team Tournament:  Katz' Kamakazies (Mark Buckley, Richard Fauber,
                                            Stewart Katz, Fred Silhi)

        Top 10:    1. Mark Buckley     2388
                   2. James MacFarland 2385
                   3. Arthur Braden    2304
                   4. Zoran Lazetich   2243
                   5. Tom Reikko       2231
                   6. Jorge Gabitto    2155
                   7. Michael Aaron    2140
                   8. Dan Pearce       2177
                   9. Steve Matthews   2099
                  10. Marc Braverman   2097

        Most Improved:  Mike Parmon (+133)
        Team match:  CSUS 3 - UCDavis 3
        president:  Leon Rothstein
        Team Tournament:  "The Dark Side" (James MacFarland, Erwin Hamm,
                                        Ted Conard, Michael Parmon)

        Top 10:    1. Mark Buckley      2397
                   2. James MacFarland  2365
                   3. Arthur Braden     2315
                   4. Zoran Lazetich    2257
                   5. Tom Reikko        2179
                   6. Tom Weidemann     2140
                   7. Michael Aaron     2121
                   8. Dan Pearce        2106
                   9. Hiawatha Bradley  2099
                  10. John McCumisky    2090

        Most Improved:  Shawn Saghirian (+281)
        Team match:  Sacramento 10?.5 - Folsom Prison 1.5
        president:  Leon Rothstein (?)  Cain Garrett (?)
        Sacramento Invitational Championship:   Zoran Lazetich
        president:  Sonny Wake

with thanks to the following individuals for their assistance:
   Mayme Meyer     (widow of Milton Meyer)
   Milton Meyer    (Sacramento Chess Champion)
   Mrs. Austin     (widow of Neil Austin)
   Richard Fauber  (Sacramento Bee Chess Columnist)
   Ostap Bender    (Sacramento Chess Champion)
   Dr D. J. Yuke   (as of 1988 the last surviving charter member)