The Asphalt of Australia

The World Famous Asphalt Museum now includes a startling section of highway from Australia. Originally located outside number 45, Mills Road, Darlington, Western Australia. (see maps below for detailed reference.) The site is about 20 miles outside Perth, the state capital. Despite being only a short drive from a modern city, the area is very rural.

Rosemary, at Radio station ABC Perth (720), sent us the sample, along with the following haunting description:

"As dusk falls and the kookaburras chorus their last, manic calls of the day, families of kangaroos inhabit the road, hopping across it as they visit local gardens to drink from the water tubs provided by householders to get the animals through the long, dry summer."

Yet another example of how asphalt inspires.

Wanna learn how to make your own asphalt? Read how here.