Asfalto Asphalt exhibition in Milan, ITALY!

March-July, 2003

Laura Agnesi of the Triennale writes:

"The Museum was "the jewel" of the globalization room, an outstanding item, witnessing the peculiar character of each road (and the attention, care and curiosity one can put on it), among numbers, quantities and statistics."

Photos of the Globalization Room, featuring the World Famous Asphalt Museum (CLICK TO ENLARGE):

The caption beside the Museum roughly translates as follows:

"Scott Gordon founded the now famous Asphalt Museum in 1991 with Marie Vans, while both attended Colorado State University. The museum, grown over time, has provoked noteworty interest and curiosity among those in the know."

Other photos from Asfalto Asphalt (CLICK TO ENLARGE):

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